
  • 9 September 2021

IBD and sleep study

Researchers from SA Group of Specialists, IBD SA, the Southern Adelaide Local Health Network, the Central Adelaide Health Network and Flinders University are conducting a study to investigate the role of sleep in inflammatory bowel disease and how sleep may impact fatigue, mental health and IBD activity.

Who is eligible?

Patients are eligible if they:

  • Have been diagnosed with any type of inflammatory bowel disease.
  • Are 18 years or over.
  • Have recently had or are planned to have an MRI, colonoscopy, flexible sigmoidoscopy or faecal calprotectin.

What is expected of patients in the trial?

All participants will be required to complete a 15-minute questionnaire; one when they begin the trial and one 12 months later.

Participants may be required to have a home sleep study (polysomnography) through Flinders Medical Centre, and/or use an under-mattress sleep tracker for up to 6 months. They may be given the option of seeing a physician specializing in sleep.

What are the benefits of participating?

There are no direct benefits to participating in the trial. However, the research will lead to a greater understanding of the role of sleep in IBD, and possibly the introduction of sleep disorder screening in patients with IBD.

Participation is voluntary

This is a research project and participation is voluntary; you do not have to be involved. Your medical care will not be affected in any way if you do not participate. You may withdraw from the project at any time after you have commenced.


Your participation in the study is strictly confidential and will not be disclosed to anyone outside the research project without your agreement. Your clinical data will be stored securely and confidentially on a password protected electronic dataset at Flinders Hospital; a de-identified version will be accessible only to the research team. Any information that is published will be done in a way that protects your identity.


Dr Alex Barnes
Dr RĂ©me Mountfield
Dr Paul Spizzo
Associate Professor Peter Bampton

Questions can be directed to:
Dr Alex Barnes,

Want to get involved?

Get involved here or speak to your IBD SA Gastroenterologist.