
  • 11 November 2020

Psychological therapies and IBD.

Not all patients with IBD see a psychologist, but it is very important for the successful treatment of IBD as well as ensuring good mental health for life.

Hypnotherapy and cognitive behavioural therapies have been shown to assist patients with Irritable Bowel Syndrome. More research is currently being done on how they can assist in Inflammatory Bowel Disease.

A study was conducted of 54 patients with Ulcerative Colitis. They were divided into two groups; one group received 7 sessions of gut directed hypnotherapy and the other attention control intervention. The hypnotherapy group had a greater proportion of patients in prolonged clinical remission, at one year follow-up.

There is also currently a trial on at the Royal Adelaide Hospital that is exploring hypnotherapy for IBD.

At IBD SA we have access to the latest research, and also potential clinical trials, to help you receive the best possible care.


Contributed by Cathy Martin